The most practical and interactive online course to help you gain comfort and confidence in communicating with more accuracy.

English Communication Course for Adults is specially crafted to those who would like to improve their English skills.


  • Complete all modules to become more proficient in English.
  • Enjoy the most engaging 8 sessions per module to earn your certification.
  • You won’t even notice the clock ticking each 1.5 hour session!
  • Schedule: Every Thursday, 8.30-10:00PM 
  • Date: 2 January 2025 – 27 February 2025 
  • Mode: Online via Zoom

On this course, you will :

  1. Speak with comfort and confidence
  2. Use suitable situational phrases
  3. Avoid language errors when expressing yourself
  4. Feel good about yourself!

What you will learn:

  1. Common phrases to use in daily life.
  2. How to create conversation in English.
  3. How to pronounce English words correctly.
  4. Common grammar errors we should avoid making.
  5. Ways to think and express yourself in English.

I have registered. What do I get?

  1. Module & online access to unlimited notes and exercises
  2. Attend the most engaging & practical English communication course through our activity based approach
  3. Identity your weaknesses through our summative and formative assessments to help you improve yourself
  4. Get Certified & be recognised!

Class Schedule

Ms. Azura Hamzah​

Mempunyai pengalaman mengajar English selama 17 tahun, Ms. Azura yang memilki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang (Kepujian) dari UIAM telah menulis lebih kurang 20 buah buku English terbitan Nusamas, Pelangi Publication dan Primaly bagi peringkat sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah, SPM dan MUET.

Beliau juga merupakan seorang ahli Toastmasters International dan beberapa kali menjuarai pertandingan public speaking Humorous Speech serta International Speech di Malaysia.

Check out her profile

Miss Amalina Hafiz

Merupakan graduan Ijazah Sarjana serta Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teaching English as Second Language (TESL) dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIAM), Miss Amalina mempunyai pengalaman mengajar hampir 10 tahun.

Beliau juga merupakan seorang penulis buku English terbitan Pelangi dan Primaly. Selain itu, Miss Amalina merupakan seorang penggubal modul dan kurikulum Bahasa Inggeris di Primaly.


RM 311
  • 8 classes
  • Support group
  • Speaking Circle


RM 382
  • 8 classes
  • Support Group
  • Speaking Circle
  • Worksheet
  • Ebook Jangan Confuse Dah!


RM 424
  • 8 classes
  • Support group
  • Speaking Circle
  • Worksheet
  • Ebook Jangan Confuse Dah!
  • Recording
  • Free access to any one-time programme
  • Certificate of completion


Kenapa Patut Sertai?

Saya telah menghadiri banyak kursus bahasa Inggeris sebelum ini tetapi ini adalah yang paling praktikal dan interaktif. Saya dapat belajar menggunakan bahasa ini dengan segera dan menyedari kesilapan saya serta-merta.
Siti Mardini Hashim
I feel my speaking skills are much better. It offers an exciting way to learn English; they implemented game-based learning with a well-designed syllabus. They know how to capture students’ interest and inspire them to continue learning.
Izzah Afiqah
Modul yang bagus dan senang difahami. Saya jadi lebih berani dan yakin untuk guna English. Saya dapat gunakan English dalam keadaan yang betul dan lebih berstruktur
Azraei Salim
Not only are the learning sessions interactive and enjoyable, but the modules and approach are practical to use in workplace.
Helmi Rajab
I found it very helpful and interesting. Class conducted without any protocol, we just converse in English. That's what I love the most about the class. After class, I finally feel like I’ve overcome the fear or hesitation to speak in English. This is the best medium to practice and freshen up our communication skills in English.
Hafiz Zubair